Start Riding

Start Riding

Here’s a step-by-step guide showing how to ride a Neuron e-scooter.

1. Download

Download the Neuron app
and add debit or credit card.

2. Unlock

Scan the QR code to unlock the e-scooter.

3. Safety Checks

Ensure brakes and headlights are working. Check the e-scooter for any damage.

4. Start Riding

Unlock and put on the helmet.
Kick-start and press the accelerator.

5. Park Responsibly

Follow local parking guidelines. Don’t park in a position that obstructs or causes danger.

6. End Trip

Replace the helmet in the Helmet Lock. Snap a photo of the e-scooter, and end your trip.

Riding Tips

No Parking Zone

The No Parking Zone is denoted by the shaded area in red on our in-app map. No scooters are allowed to end trip or be on temp lock within this zone.

Low Speed Zone

Change Speed

For safety reasons, the default speed on our scooters are set to the first mode which travels up to 15km/h. To increase speed simply press the ‘Change Speed’ button once and this will change it to the second mode of up to 25km/h.

Try the Neuron app today!